Enhance elevator safety with this low-cost upgrade.

  • ADA Compliance
  • Enhanced Safety
  • Improved Hygiene
  • Vandal Proof
  • Minimal Upgrade Cost

All new elevators are equipped with a hands-free telephone system that allows one-button calling to emergency personnel via speakerphone. Gone are the old-style telephone enclosures with hardwired handsets that are famously susceptible to vandalism, damage, and germs.

If your elevator features the old telephone handset system – or no phone at all, if it was built before 1998 – we have good news. At Specialized Elevator, our affordable ADA Phone upgrade will bring your elevator up to current call technology standards and ensure full ADA compliance as soon as it’s installed.

It’s one low-cost elevator upgrade that we recommend you do as soon as possible, in most cases.

ADA Compliance
Replacing your old phone system with a new ADA phone will allow you to meet current ADA compliance standards for “emergency two-way communication systems between the elevator and a point outside.”  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is Federal Civil Rights Legislation written and enacted in January of 1992.

Enhanced Safety
Our ADA phone has a raised symbol and lettering and features a single call button that can be activated with a finger, elbow, cane, or other method. A built-in speakerphone allows hands-free, two-way communication. In the event of an emergency, the ADA phone can enhance the safety of those potentially trapped inside an elevator. It can also help reduce any potential liability that could result from having an outdated or nonfunctioning emergency call system.

Improved Hygiene
Old style elevator phones feature a handset located behind a closed metal door. This requires users to open the door to access the handset, and make close contact with the handset around the facial area. This is a disadvantage in buildings where active steps are being taken to mitigate surface touching in public areas.

Vandal Resistance
We will replace your old-style telephone door with a fixed stainless-steel plate that complements your elevator’s décor while providing a more modern appearance. All telephone equipment will be safely located behind this fixed plate, making it inaccessible to would-be vandals, curious children, or inquisitive riders.

Minimal Upgrade Cost
Perhaps the best part of replacing your outdated elevator phone system is the modest cost that is required for this important upgrade. By investing in this affordable solution, you will have the added peace of mind that comes with the benefits of ADA compliance, enhanced safety, improved hygiene, and vandal resistance.

For more information on how our ADA Phone upgrade or Elevator Modernization can make a difference for you, please call us!